INSIGHTS 2018 55
Close-up of a module showing individual DRINK...
hollow fibre membranes potted together.
... and that includes healthy, sparkling clean and tasty tap water. To give us this
essential product involves dedicated people like our water operators. They maintain
and work around catchments, reservoirs, treatment plants, tanks and distribution
networks — all the way to your property connection.
Evoqua Water Technologies Pty Ltd
Ph 1300 661 809
ongratulations to all the finalists in WIOA's 'Best Tasting
Tap Water Competition' and good luck to the Mt Kynoch
team at the international event.
We should also acknowledge all suppliers, service providers and
industry peers who support our water operators with market-leading
technologies, systems and products to safeguard production of
high-quality drinking water. Filtration, disinfection, control and
monitoring are vital tools for operators to manage their daily tasks.
Evoqua Water Technologies brands include Memcor and Wallace
& Tiernan to perform membrane ultrafiltration and all of the analysis
and control requirements for disinfection. The Memcor systems
manufacturing plant, including global R&D, is located in Windsor,
NSW. The plant provides local jobs for over 150 people to produce
complete membrane systems for global supply, made in Australia.
TasWater’s Regional Towns Water Supply Program to upgrade
drinking water supplies for communities will include Memcor skid-
mounted pressurised membrane modules, VAF self-cleaning pre-filters,
Barrier-S UV systems and Wallace & Tiernan control packages.
Our southern region distributor, Hydramet, and their parent
company, TRILITY, will complete construction for eight townships,
with Stornoway adding another five systems by August 2018.
It comes as no surprise that many of our products and systems
can be found at these Utilities and Councils competing for the
best tasting tap water. Demonstrating that our combined local
Australian competence shared between water operators and their
business partners is world class and ensures that our population
has continued access to clean healthy water — the essence of life.
In parallel, we must take care of our environment, and responsible
wastewater management is only possible through skilled wastewater
treatment operators, diligent process steps and utilisation of various
technologies from sewage collection to re-use or safe discharge.
Again, Australia is well positioned to not just manage our own
country but to further export our combined know-how and expertise
across the world. Evoqua’s Memcor Membrane Bio-Reactor is the
backbone of many plants, in addition to aerators, clarifiers, biogas
harvesting and other key technologies.
We have over 100-year heritage of innovation and industry firsts,
market-leading expertise and unmatched customer service. Our
cost-effective and reliable treatment systems and services ensure
uninterrupted quantity and quality of water, enable regulatory
and environmental compliance, increase efficiency through water
re-use, and prepare customers for next-generation demands.
With more than 200,000 installations across the world, we
serve the water needs of hundreds of millions of people, as well
as tens of thousands of businesses across the globe.
On the 3rd of November, Evoqua (aqua) became a publicly
listed company on the New York Stock Exchange with our CEO,
Mr Ron Keating, ringing the bell.
WIOA (Water Industry Operators Association of Australia)
has for the past few years organised the ‘Best Tasting Tap
Water Competition’.
Each state winner will compete for the national bragging
rights with the eventual winner going to represent Australia
at the international event held in the USA. Goulburn Valley
Water’s Marysville plant was the 2015 Australian champion
and even won the silver medal at the global competition.
TasWater’s Barrington water treatment plant scooped the
2016 prize and this year’s honours went to Queensland,
with Toowoomba Regional Council collecting the shield for
water supplied from their Mt Kynoch plant. The other finalists
included Icon Water — Mt Stromlo (ACT/NSW), SAWater —
Morgan (SA), TasWater — Lake Fenton (Tas) and Goulburn
Valley Water — Merrijig (Vic).'s-