72 INSIGHTS 2018
The TriOS nanoFlu sensor is an online fluorescence sensor (fluorom-
eter) for precise and selective measurement of coloured dissolved
organic matter (CDOM, yellow substances), rhodamine, tryptophan
and chlorophyll A in green algae or phycocyanin in cyanobacteria.
It operates by emitting UV light at a set wavelength targeted for
specific waterborne flora and fauna. When present, these water
constituents will re-emit light at a different wavelength following the
excitation from the external light source. The nanoFlu monitors for
the presence or change in re-emitted light, which is calibrated to the
concentration of the known organic matter.
Long-term stability is ensured by the combination of low power
consumption, a hydrophobic nanocoating on the sensing window
and a chemical-free anti-fouling solution. Maintenance may also be
reduced with the incorporation of air cleaning of the sensing window
either from fixed compressed air lines or the standalone TriOS AirShot
accessory. Internal reference signals of the LEDs used for fluorescence
excitation compensate ageing effects and temperature influences.
The submersible nanoFlu can be used in a range of applications
including the real-time monitoring of sea, river or freshwater reservoir
systems; incoming/outgoing flow at drinking and wastewater treat-
ment plants; and to detect potential filter membrane leaks during
rhodamine testing.
Mounting alternatives include inline fittings, flowcell, small sensor
floats and unmanned buoys. Mobile lab staff can couple the nanoFlu
with a TriOS Pocket Power G2, which provides battery power, Wi-Fi
connectivity to the sensor and GPS logging for instantaneous indica-
tion and accurate geographical location.
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MFB has further enhanced its range of Sentinel IP-addressable, rack-
mountable power products with upgraded software and hardware
components to ensure faster and smarter performance from the
entire range including its custom-made solutions.
Available with either Australian or IEC outlets, these power boards
have the ability to view power, temperature and humidity levels via
a web browser or receive SNMP-based alarms when conditions
exceed defined thresholds. User-defined outlet control access can
be managed by the administrator with the ability to reboot attached
appliances in a controlled timed sequence. It also offers the ability
to customise the outlet layout and switching configuration.
MFB Products Pty Ltd