Motor Australia — January 2018

(Martin Jones) #1

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Colorado SportsCat). The only thing we haven’t been

able to change is power. Realistically, this category is a

torque-driven category and the engine itself is actually

a very strong engine for what it delivers. But that’s one

of the reasons we’ve moved to calling it the Colorado

SportsCat by HSV. We don’t want to court controversy

and spend our time arguing over what it should be

called because that’s not what it’s about. It’s actually

about getting in the car and driving it, and once people

do that, we think they’ll love it.”

Why did it take so long to finalise and announce

this new arrangement?

Ryan Walkinshaw: “We wanted to make sure we got

it right. Getting a long-term agreement like we have

with GM and Holden, we had a negotiation that looked

at all the different options that was open enough to

allow us to do something we’ve not traditionally done.

Previously, we’ve really only had one product that we’ve

worked on and it’s primarily been a relationship with

just Holden. Now that we’ve expanded that relationship

our contract is with GM in Detroit as well.

“We’re working with a lot more products coming

directly from the US, as well as products such as the

Colorado, which is coming from Thailand, and there are

additional complications in that kind of arrangement,

which obviously had to be worked through. We probably

under estimated internally how much time it would take

and the fact we’ve managed to get it done is something

we’re really, really proud of. It’s a great testament to the

work that we’ve done over the past 30 years or so with

Holden locally and a real statement of intent about

where we want our business to go in the future.

“Everyone worked very hard to get a deal done that

lets us work on so many programs going forward rather

than just what we’ve traditionally done. It’s always been

an ambition of mine to expand away from just doing

Commodore and into different markets.”

We hear to renewal is for 10 years.

RW: “It’s a long-term deal, that’s all I’ll say.”

Was GM’s ultimate approval fundamental to

going ahead with the Camaro and Silverado


RW: “It’s their brand, their original product, and they

have to have confidence that what we’re doing won’t

damage their reputation. That’s why the cars we’re

working on with them will be in their dealerships.”

Is HSV still Holden’s performance partner?

RW: “Yes. And we’re working on other programs in the

future that will fall into that category.”

So there’s scope to do other things with other

models in Holden’s imported model range?

RW: “Absolutely. In fact, the entire point of this new

arrangement is that it opens a lot more doors than we

previously had access to. Previously, our relationship

was defined by a contract with Holden to work

specifically on Commodore and there wasn’t much

ability for us to go and play with some of the other toys

in the toy box. But going forward, the relationship now

opens up a lot of opportunities to work on different

products and also different business models. So rather

than just having the specific business model we’ve been

used to, the new arrangement with GM allows us to

look at different business models in order to make other

programs work which may not have worked under our

traditional business model.”

As well as more

‘by HSV’ variations

of other vehicles

in Holden’s fully

imported range,

there is scope for the

eventual return of

bespoke HSV models

  • a departure from


products we’re used to

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