Savvy India — December 2017

(Kiana) #1

is released when tobacco burns and attaches
to surfaces like walls, fl oors, carpets, drapes
and furniture.

Being exposed to second hand smoke affects
an adult’s heart and blood vessels directly.
Adult non-smokers who live with smokers
are at about 25% more risk of developing
heart disease. Sidestream smoke makes up
about 85% of second hand smoke which
consists of different chemicals other than
exhaled mainstream smoke. It burns at a
lower temperature, and the burn is neither
as clean nor complete. Hence, this may
lead to lung cancer if inhaled.

Research has revealed that smoking causes
infertility as it harms the eggs in women and sperm in
men. Smoking and exposure to second hand smoke
during pregnancy is harmful for both the mother and
foetus, and increases the risk of health and behavioral
problems in newborns.

Effects on mother: Premature birth, impaired lactation,
ectopic pregnancy, placental abnormalities, bleeding
and premature rupture of membranes.

Effects on foetus: Fetal growth retardation, increased
fetal heart rate, chronic fetal hypoxia, perinatal death,
low birth weight, fetal artery constriction, low amount
of oxygen and nutrients in the foetus.

Effects on newborns: Abnormal blood pressure in
infants and children, cleft palate, leukemia, infantile
colic, childhood wheezing, respiratory disorders,

Research has

revealed that

smoking causes

infertility as it harms

the eggs in women

and sperm in men.

eye problems, mental retardation, attention defi cit
disorder, behavioral problems and other learning and
developmental problems in the affected children.
Research also reveals that smoking or exposure to
second hand smoke while pregnant is a signifi cant
cause of miscarriages and Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS).
Thus, smoking, consumption of second or third
hand smoke and smokeless tobacco are all equally
dangerous. They contain over 7,000 chemicals,
hundreds of which are harmful, and at least 70 can
lead to cancer. This revelation makes it vital to control
the consumption of tobacco starting with adolescent
girls and pregnant women.


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