Savvy India — December 2017

(Kiana) #1


Riddhi Vyas shows you how
to live life on the healthy side.




According to a worldwide survey, an individual’s chances
of suffering a stroke increase after the age of 50.
Researchers have identifi ed several risk factors including
high blood pressure, reduced physical activity, poor diet,
obesity, smoking, stress, depression, consumption of
alcohol and diabetes. But Dr James L Weiss of John
Hopkins University, USA, reveals that it is preventable
if one takes the necessary steps:
— Maintain a healthy blood pressure – below 140/90
— Engage in doable exercises like yoga and aerobics.
— Wash your vegetables and fruits well before
— Relax your mind. Find healthy ways to cope with
stressful situations.
— Don’t ignore signs of depression or other disorders.
Seek appropriate treatment immediately!
— Limit your consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

It’s the most important meal of the day,
and rightly so. According to a research
study conducted by Kathy McManus,
Director, Department of Nutrition, Harvard-
Brigham Women’s Hospital, USA, starting
the day with a good, nutritious breakfast
supports good health. It boosts metabolism
and helps keep one’s body weight in check.
Additionally, skipping breakfast is an open
invitation to heart problems like high
blood pressure and cholesterol. An ideal
breakfast would include lean protein, whole
grains, fresh fruits, eggs, low-fat Greek
yoghurt, oats and spinach.
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