Best Health — December 01, 2017

(vip2019) #1


best health DECEMBER | JANUARY 2018 15



pile up. The season brings busy schedules, awk-
ward social engagements, financial strain, fam-
ily conf licts and grief for those who’ve lost loved
ones. No matter what the source of your stress, talking to
a professional can help.
I find that people often have high expectations of what
the season is supposed to look like, which can set them up
for disappointment when things don’t go as planned. We
tend to find ways to cope with our problems (some people
may withdraw from social situations, while others will
turn to alcohol or food), but talk therapy offers a positive
coping mechanism that allows you to vent or even learn
new strategies to deal with stressors.
Digital-based therapy systems, such as Talkspace, are
a great way to get started because the counselling they
offer is inexpensive (starting at $32 USD a week) and you
can reach out via text, audio message or video call any-
time, anywhere. I’ve received calls from people who are at
a party and sneak into the bathroom for a quick therapy
session because they just need to talk.
There are many ways that people benefit from therapy.
Most people report a sense of relief from just getting out
what they’re feeling, while others are interested in the
tools we recommend, like slowly counting to 10 during
times of stress or doing a daily meditation. For those who
prefer to text what they’re going through, the process of
writing out their thoughts can be healing, like writing in a
journal. They can later look back on what they wrote,
appreciate how far they’ve come and learn from those
thought patterns.
I practise cognitive behavioural therapy, which is all
about shifting your thoughts. Your thoughts directly
inf luence how you feel and act (for example, if you think
your relatives look down on you, you may feel self-con-
scious and be more apt to withdraw at family gatherings).
It’s my job to teach you how to recognize and replace
those thoughts so that you can control how you feel and
begin to build more positive relationships with yourself
and those around you.
It can be challenging to seek help from people in your
life when you’re going through a hard time, especially at
the busiest time of year. But therapists are always there to
listen non-judgmentally and help you see your situation
from a new perspective. bh

Kendra Simpson is a therapist at Talkspace, a licensed
clinical social worker and an independent substance-
abuse counsellor.



ing shopping mall crowds, are out of your con-
trol. But there is one thing you can change, and
that ’s how you ta ke ca re of your body, which ca n
help it deal better with high-pressure situations.
During party season, it might be easy to subsist on
canapés and shortbread cookies, but refined and sug-
ary foods can incite a vicious cycle of stress. These
high-glycemic foods cause spikes in your blood sugar
that are followed soon after by drops that can send
your anxiety level and mood for a ride. When you
experience blood sugar drops, your body thinks that
you’re in dire need of food, which puts you in survival
mode. Some people experience this as a highly anx-
ious state, while others become cloudy-headed, have
diminished cognition or act moody. Of course, the
stress and low blood sugar make you crave more
sweets, so you’re doomed to start the whole roller
coaster ride all over again.
Though it’s hard to keep up with regular meal prep
during the holidays, eating a balanced diet is impor-
tant. Consuming whole foods, such as vegetables,
fruits, legumes and whole grains, helps ensure that
you get plenty of fibre, which slows digestion, releas-
ing natural sugars more slowly. Healthy fats and pro-
tein, from foods like nuts, seeds, avocado and tempeh,
w i l l a lso help keep your blood suga r stable. Stick i ng to
your usual meal schedule (in other words, not skip-
ping dinner while doing a marathon evening of
Christmas shopping) can keep you from getting han-
gry. And if you know that you’re going to be eating
later, consider filling up on a small dinner before you
go so you won’t overindulge when you arrive.
At work, aim to pre-emptively satisfy any sugar
cravings by snacking on sweet fruits (such as apple
slices smeared with nut butter and a dash of cinna-
mon) so that you’ll have the willpower to avoid the
chocolates and cookies that will be inevitably passed
around. Caffeine and alcohol both affect the adrenal
glands, which produce the stress hormone cortisol, so
it’s important to be mindful of consuming them,
especially if you’re already stressed.
Though the gym is often the first thing to be cut
from your to-do list, find a way to fit in exercise. Exer-
cise helps manage stress, reduce cortisol levels and
improve sleep.

Amy Longard is a holistic nutritionist and plant-
based chef in Ottawa.
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