Best Health — December 01, 2017

(vip2019) #1
Available exclusively at your local health-food stores.

Like all our natural PH^5 D enteric-coated probiotics, each capsule of
Travelers’Probiotic is protected from stomach acids. This guarantees 100%
delivery of alive and active whole cells to your intestines, where they get to
work so you can enjoy your vacation.

Taking Travelers’Probiotic before, during, and after traveling abroad will
protect you from intestinal upset and travelers’ diarrhea.

Travelers’Probiotic crowds out harmful microorganisms that can cause
travelers’ diarrhea; it also neutralizes their toxins and populates your
intestines with healthy intestinal flora.

Bon voyage!

Did you know that an enteric-coated

capsule will help deliver billions

more probiotics to your intestines?

Free download pdf