Lose It! — November 01, 2017

(Marcin) #1
What do you eat on
a typical day?
I don’t eat breakfast – this
is where people go, ‘Oh,
she really is on a diet.’
People think the reason
I’m losing weight is
because I eat less. But
why am I able to eat
less? People who are
on normal diets are
constantly ravenous. With
this lifestyle you don’t
feel hungry all the time
because you eat the foods
your body actually needs.

Do you drink alcohol?
I do drink on occasion.
And drinking does slow
down weight loss.

Do you encourage
family members and
friends to eat low
carb too?
Oh, yes. Everyone wants
to know how I did it – but
not everyone follows
through. You have to be
committed; doing it half-
way doesn’t work. My
husband doesn’t believe
in low carb. He claims it
isn’t sustainable. I don’t
prepare separate dishes
for him; I usually add rice
or potatoes to his meal,
as I don’t think people
should be forced to diet.

He is, however, noticing
that my pants are a
bit looser!

What has been the
highlight of your
low-carb journey?
My daughter’s wedding!
Everyone was so
surprised to see the
weight I’d lost. It was so
much fun to see that! A
lot of people had been
saying that I’d get fat on
this diet, but they found
that that wasn’t true. It’s
been two years and I still
haven’t gained weight.

Have you ever tried
any other weight
loss methods?
Not seriously, no. I always
say that I don’t believe in
‘diets’, and now I have
proof that they don’t
work. Once you find
something that works,
why try anything else?
I don’t see myself doing
that – ever.

Do you have any go-
to low-carb staples?
Eggs are definitely my
go-to food. There’s a
joke going around on the
message boards: ‘Other
people take a multivitamin
every day. I call it eggs.’ Q



for Irma

Sally-Ann is an international best-selling,
award winning author of several books

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Sally-Ann’s Sequel to her work in
The Real Meal Revolution.

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Winner of Two Awards from
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