Lose It! — November 01, 2017

(Marcin) #1
e’re made up of more than 30%
collagen, which acts like a glue.
It strengthens the structure of
the body and aids the integrity,
elasticity and regeneration of
connective tissue, skin, tendons,
ligaments, cartilage and bone.
This flexible substance has incredible strength – the fibrils
cannot be broken, even when stretched.
Children and young people’s bodies make plenty of
collagen (unless their health is compromised) but by the age
of 60 you will have lost more than 50% of your collagen.
This is due to ageing (of course), hormonal changes,
medication, smoking, alcohol, processed food, sugar, seed
oils, radiation, fluoride in the water, stress, too much sun,
nutritional deficiencies and dehydration, among other factors.
Low levels of collagen in the joints cause a loss of
cartilage and joint function, resulting in discomfort, pain
and even bone loss in excess of the formation of new
bone. Sarcopenia, or the loss of muscle mass, is a very real
problem in older people, affecting balance, gait and mobility

  • and collagen is instrumental in preventing some of this
    muscle loss. Other symptoms of deficiency are:

  • wounds that take too long to heal

  • aching muscles

  • stiffness

  • dry eyes, headaches, skin rashes

  • loosened teeth, receding gums and other dental problems.
    As skin cells become less active, the collagen matrix
    providing structure and firmness begins to break down,
    and skin becomes thinner and dehydrated, resulting in the
    development of lines and furrows.
    You can boost collagen formation by eating
    high quality animal protein. Bone broth and
    brawn are wonderful sources of collagen, and
    the omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish
    such as salmon, sardines, trout, pilchards and
    cod liver oil all support collagen production.
    Vitamin C also helps your body to ramp up
    collagen production.
    It is entirely possible to get enough collagen
    by eating gelatinous meat, cartilage from



Low levels of collagen
in the joints cause a
loss of cartilage and
joint function,
resulting in discomfort,
pain and even bone
loss in excess of the
formation of new bone.



  • ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • juice and zest of 1 orange

  • ½ cup fresh lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp honey

  • 20g fresh coriander, finely chopped

  • 5g fresh mint, finely chopped

  • 5 garlic cloves, crushed

  • 1 tbsp dried oregano

  • 1 tbsp ground cumin

  • 1 tbsp paprika

  • Himalayan salt and black pepper

  • 1kg side of salmon

  1. For the marinade: Combine all
    the ingredients in a bowl. Set it aside.

  2. Place the salmon skin side down in
    a roasting pan. Spread the marinade
    on top.

  3. Marinate the salmon in the fridge
    for at least 30 minutes. About
    15 minutes in, preheat the oven
    to 190 ̊C.

  4. Roast the fish for about 20 minutes
    or until it is cooked through.

  5. To serve: Serve the fish from the
    oven with a fresh garden salad.

per serving
fat 47g
carbs 21g
protein 61g
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