Lose It! — November 01, 2017

(Marcin) #1

up your sleeve


  • ½ cup low-carb mayonnaise
    -^2 / 3 cup double-cream yoghurt

  • ½ red onion, finely chopped

  • 120g ham, chopped

  • 2 tsp capers

  • 5g fresh flatleaf parsley, chopped

  • Himalayan salt and black pepper

  1. Add all the ingredients to a bowl, stir well to combine
    and season to taste. (If you’d like to pretty up the
    dip for serving, reserve some of the onion, ham, and
    capers and use them to garnish the dip just before
    serving.) Store the dip in the fridge until you are ready
    to serve.
    2. To serve: Serve the dip chilled. Enjoy it
    with low-carb crackers or vegetable sticks.


  • 1 x 100g smoked chicken breast, shredded

    • 250ml crème fraîche

      • 4 radishes, chopped

        • 5g fresh chives, chopped

          • juice of ½ a lemon

            • 1 tbsp gelatine sprinkled over ¼ cup water

              • 9 baby asparagus tips, blanched

                • fresh flatleaf parsley, to garnish

                  • Himalayan salt and black pepper, to serve

                    1. Lightly oil three small 150ml-
                      capacity loaf tins or containers
                      and line them with foil. Mix
                      the chicken, crème fraîche,
                      radishes, chives and lemon
                      juice. Place the cup with the
                      sponged gelatine into a bowl of
                      hot water so that the gelatine melts.
                      Stir this through the chicken mixture.

  1. Place 3 asparagus tips into the base of
    each lined tin, top with the chicken
    mixture and chill this for 2 hours.

  2. To serve: Unmould the pâté, garnish
    it with fresh parsley, Himalayan salt and
    black pepper. Serve it sliced, with
    low-carb crackers. Q

per serving
fat 30g
carbs 7g
protein 12g

per serving

fat 17g
carbs 4g

protein 10g

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