Lose It! — November 01, 2017

(Marcin) #1


everything on it! I refused to
cheat, though.
I have never felt that it
was necessary for me to
starve myself. I always eat a
full portion. If I get hungry as
the day progresses, I grab a
handful of almonds from my
desk drawer, or a Granny Smith
apple. I eat a delicious salad
for lunch, or soup or a stir-fry
without rice during winter.
For dinner, it’s just meat and
vegetables. My breakfast, lunch
and supper during the week
are always the same, but on
Thursday nights my wife and I
eat sushi. I guess that’s the one
time we have a “cheat meal”,
as some of it contains rice.
I really enjoy salads now.
You can make awesome
salads that are tastier than
a lot of sandwiches – so don’t
see it as punishment! Try one
of my favourites, on the left.
Although I cut sugar out of
my diet, I can’t let go of 100%
fruit juice; I feel that at least
it’s better than drinking other
unhealthy stuff. I have started
to eat 85% dark chocolate
and even that tastes a lot
sweeter since removing sugar
from my diet.
I’ve lost 28kg and I feel
fantastic. I can’t stop smiling.

I can truly say that I feel
fitter and more energised
since I started my weight
loss journey. It’s nice when
people congratulate you on
your success, but my main
motivation is my wellbeing.
I firmly believe that I lost all this
weight because of my new
diet. Exercising just helped to
speed up the process. It took
less time to lose weight than
I’d expected – people who
don’t see me often think
I’m sick! But I’m happy with
the way I look; all I focus
on now is maintaining my
current weight.
If you want to lose weight,
just do it. Don’t try to think
yourself out of it. I know a
weekly cheat day works for
some people, but I feel it
makes it more difficult to stick
to your new lifestyle and it
takes longer for you to see
results. Just go cold turkey
and commit yourself fully to
the challenge. It’s not as bad
as it sounds. Q

This should be more than
enough for 2–4 people.

  • 350g Elgin free-range
    Kameeldoring sausage

  • 3–4 carrots

  • 200g punnet Rosa tomatoes

  • ½ cucumber

  • 1 avocado

  • 180g herb salad (I buy this at

  • 100g feta

  • pink salt and black pepper

  • balsamic vinegar, to serve

  1. Cook the sausage and
    let it cool while you prep the
    other ingredients.

  2. Wash all the salad ingredients,
    then grate the carrots, halve the
    tomatoes and slice the cucumber
    and avo. Divide all the ingredients
    in three to make the layers.

  3. Once the sausage is cool, cut it
    into little slices about 0.5cm thick.

  4. Layer the salad, starting with the
    salad leaves, then the rest of the
    ingredients in any order. I usually
    do the sausage next, then the
    cucumber, grated carrot, tomato
    and avo. I then crush some feta
    over this and season with pink salt
    and black pepper.

  5. Repeat the layers, sprinkling feta,
    pink salt and black pepper over
    each time.

  6. Once plated, drizzle some
    balsamic vinegar on top, and enjoy!

‘I am happy with the

way I look now and all

I focus on is maintaining

my current weight.’

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