26 | New Trends 2018 http://www.cakedecorationmagazine.co.uk
3D WIRED Dragon y
extract with black dust food colour
and paint the eyes.
5 Using an edible spray glaze,
glaze the body and leave to dry
6 Insert adjusted paste into the wing
recess until level and then carefully
remove from the mould, insert a
quarter length of white 28g wire
into the wing, about half the length
of the wing. Repeat for each wing
then leave on a fl at surface to dry
7 Carefully bend the wire at the base
of each wing into a ninety degree
angle. Tape the wings into pairs using
white fl orist tape with the smaller
wing overlapping the larger wing,
(the smaller wing is the back wing)
and then tape them to the body.
8 Adjust the alignment of the wings
to suit your dragonfl y and then
insert into your project using either
a small fl ower pick or
drinking straw.
1 Using a third length of white 26g
fl orist wire create the 'T' support
for the body. Lay the wire down
the centre of the body recess in
the mould and then fold it back on
itself, at the point where the body
joins the tail bend the wire again
into a vertical, this will give you a
'T' support.
2 Push the adjusted paste into the
body recess of the mould, smooth it
to a fl at surface. Using a modelling
tool make a shallow groove down
the centre of the body.
3 Brush a little edible glue onto
the 'T' support and then insert it
into the groove, whilst holding it in
position vertically use a modelling
tool to close the paste over the wire
to conceal it.
4 Carefully remove the body from
the mould and lay it on its side to
fi rm, after a few minutes carefully
dust the body the colour of your
choice and then mix a little lemon
- white and green adjusted
sugarpaste (see recipe below) - edible glue
- lemon extract
- selection of dust food colours
- edible glaze
EQUIPMENT: - white fl orist tape
- dusting brush
- glue brush
- dusting brush
- fi ne paintbrush for eyes
- 26 gauge white fl orist wire
for body - 28 gauge white fl orist wire
for wings - pointy nosed pliers or
- Creative Cake System
Dragonfl ies
Top tip
Use either cornfl our or white
vegetable fat in the mould to aid
the video
If you want to see Ceri
creating this 3D wired dragonfl y
visit the Katy Sue Designs
Youtube channel to watch a free
instruction video.
Adjusted sugarpaste
- 500g any brand of sugarpaste
- 5g Tylo powder
- knead the Tylo powder into
the sugarpaste and rest it in a
sealed bag for approximately
one hour before use.
This cake has been created and decorated by Ceri Griffi ths using Katy Sue Designs Creative Cake System Moulds.
p26_Katy Sue.indd 26 09/11/2017 17:18