38 | New Trends 2018 http://www.cakedecorationmagazine.co.uk
through the middle and a few out
toward the edges.
14 Roll out half of the black
sugarpaste to 2mm thick and place the
clock stencil in the middle. Rub around
the numerals with your finger to press
the paste into the stencil slightly.
15 Spray on the numerals, this may
need two coats a few minutes apart.
Do not remove the stencil
between coats.
16 Take the 10cm circle cutter and
centre the clock. Cut away the outer
edges and store for later.
17 Brush a little water onto the cake
card and carefully place the clock in
the centre.
18 Add the hands to read two
minutes to midnight.
19 Centre the 8cm circle cutter on the
clock face and spray the outer edge
gold. Build the colour
up gradually.
20 You should end up with a shiny
solid gold finish.
21 Once the gold is dry, take the 9cm
cutter and make an indentation in the
centre of the gold rim.
22 The cutter should go through the
gold layer but not completely through
the sugarpaste, leaving a black line in
the gold.
23 Take a small piece of black
sugarpaste and press it gently into the
hole with a little twist. Flatten out the
base just wider than the hole.
Repeat for each bauble.
24 Arrange the baubles by size and
use edible glue to stick to the cake.
Gelatine is water soluble so do not try
to stick them directly onto the cake
with glue.
25 Glue a large ball of sugarpaste to
the top of the cake just off centre and
add some glue to the top.
26 Place the top of the clock face on
the ball, and allow the bottom to rest
on the cake.
27 Make small and medium size balls
from the remaining black sugarpaste.
28 Place a pea sized amount of gold
dust into the food bag and add the
balls. Seal the bag with air inside and
gently shake the bag.The balls will
be beautifully lustered when you tip
them out.
29 Attach them with edible glue
to the top of the cake between the
clock and baubles, and in front of the
clock. Finish the board with a sparkly
gold ribbon.
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29
p36-38_Emma Burrows.indd 38 09/11/2017 17:16