Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — New Trends 2018

(Darren Dugan) #1
42 | New Trends 2018

12 Roll a small amount of black
into a pointed shoe shape, glue to
the front of the dress where the
front leg sits and paint with metallic
black paint.

15 Roll two rice sized pieces of
white paste and insert into the eye
sockets. Add a small piece of black
to the inside of the mouth, add a
thin sausage of white for the teeth
and divide the teeth with a scalpel.

11 Divide a small ball of paste into
two, and roll into teardrop shapes.
Flatten slightly and add to the back
of the figure for her bottom. Make
sure you don't put this too low.

17 Roll some black paste big
enough to wrap around the body
for the dress. Meet and trim at the
back then shape around the body.


13 Follow the instructions on the
mould to create the face. Cut the
mouth with a scalpel and open with
a Dresden tool – I have used the
left-hand face.

14 Press in and up with a boning
tool to help your face smile.

18 Grab hold of the top of the arm
securely and bend the arm down.
Bend elbows at 4cm using pliers.

19 Decorate the dress with
sparkles of your choice. I've used
stick on diamanté as the figure isn't
edible. Add a necklace.

21 Cover about 2cm just above and
below the hand to make the glass
stem, roll a long cone and thread it
on top. Flatten a small ball of paste
and stick to the bottom of the
glass. Paint with gold paint and dot
white bubbles onto the glass.

16 Use metallic paints to dot the iris
and pupils in the eyes. Roll very thin
pieces of black paste for the eyelashes
and eyebrows, paint the mouth with
a red metallic paint and dust face and
cheeks with dusting powder.

20 Cut 5cm of florist wire and
clamp into the hand hook.

p40-43_Rhu Strand.indd 42 09/11/2017 17:15

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