Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — New Trends 2018

(Darren Dugan) #1 New Trends 2018 | 65


flattened to a teardrop to cover
the back of the head, one slightly
smaller that needs to be flattened
slightly for the bun, again one
smaller in a sausage smaller at either
end for the rolled fringe and two
small carrot shaped pieces for the
side sections.
68 Glue the teardrop shape to the
back of the head and add hair detail
with the pointed tool.
69 Add the bun with a touch of glue
and add hair texture.
70 Glue on the side pieces giving a
little curl at the ends.
71 Lastly stick on the rolled fringe to
the front of the head.

72 To make the tiny top hat,
colour 2g of flower paste caramel
and make two balls - one bigger
than the other. Flatten one
completely and roll the other into
a cylindrical shape and flatten
each end.
73 Glue together and curl the
sides of the brim.
74 Attach the hat to the side of
the head with glue. Make a tiny
butterfly using the small butterfly
mould from Katy Sue. Colour as
you did the large butterfly wings
and glue to her hands. Paint cogs
around her waist gold.
75 Take a tiny ball of chestnut

paste and roll into a sausage.
Make marks to create three
sections. Flatten either end and add
indentations with a Dresden tool.
76 Glue to the neck. Add a little
brown rope of paste around the
hat base.
77 Dust the caramel paste of the
cake with a mix of the dusts to create
shading. Attach the base tier to the
board with a little royal icing. Dowel
the base tier of the cake and glue the
tiers together with royal icing. When
in position add a cog made from
brown flower paste with the small cog
cutter and paint with rejuvenator spirit
and rose gold dust.

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