Street Machine Australia — January 2018

(Romina) #1

“I saw the DC&O injection on a car
at Powercruise, so I hunted down
the mob that made it,” Stephen
says. “I wanted something
different, as most Toranas are
carby-fed or have a blower. Once I
added the polished alloy injection,
I then needed rocker covers to
match; it just went on and on
from there. I even had the bonnet
hinges custom-made by Graeme
Black of Blacks Racks”

Wide-body Torries beg for
big ’n’ shiny drop tanks, so
Stephen added a Brown Davis
120L, which also fits in with
his bling penchant

A9X kits allow for fitting decent
rubber, so Stephen whacked
17x10 Schott Americanas at the
rear wrapped in 275 Nexen tyres
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