Street Machine Australia — January 2018

(Romina) #1

MAIN: “I believe we were
the first aspirated car into
the eights, so that’s a good
achievement,” says Al. “But
it sure costs a lot of money!”

ABOVE: “We carried rockers,
lifters, a spare gearbox,
spare Gear Vendors
overdrive, the single-carb
set-up in case the twin
Dominators didn’t want to
drive on the road – we had a
lot of stuff,” Al says

MAIN: “I believe we were
the first aspirated car into
the eights, so that’s a good
achievement,” says Al. “But
it sure costs a lot of money!”

ABOVE: “We carried rockers,
lifters, a spare gearbox,
spare Gear Vendors
overdrive, the single-carb
set-up in case the twin
Dominators didn’t want to
drive on the road – we hada
lot of stuff,” Al says
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