Street Machine Australia — January 2018

(Romina) #1

IT HAS been a relatively rough 12 months for
our flavour of motorsport, with a tragic death
at Summernats 30, an horrendous fire at Red
CentreNATS, and a number of bad incidents at
dragstrips around the country.
The Summernats management team have
stripped their safety plans down to a bare
chassis and rebuilt them looking through the lens
of these recent incidents.
Some changes that will be obvious are
compulsory fire suits for burnout competitors,
no riding in the back of utes around the cruise
route, and a zero-tolerance policy towards
harassment of anyone attending the event.
The latter means that if Summernats staff see
someone being harassed – anywhere, anytime

  • they will intervene. This will effectively take
    the form of an attitude test that should weed out
    the worst offenders, who will be punted from
    the event.
    To make this work, we need everyone attending
    the Nats to follow the rules and accept that these
    changes are about safety, not about political
    correctness. The aim is for everyone to go home
    safe and well at the end of the show.
    Entrants have to be mindful that there are
    over 100,000 people moving through Exhibition
    Park over the four days of the event and drive
    with suitable caution in public areas. Likewise,
    spectators need to be aware they are in a
    motorsport environment and treat it with respect.

THE number of burnout competitors rocking their
own fire suits of late has been encouraging, but
some needed a little extra convincing so officals
have now made them compulsory. It’s not just
a once-a-year deal, either. All Burnout Masters
qualifying events in 2018 will mandate their
use. The recommended minimum standard is a
suit that meets or exceeds either SFI 3.2A/5, or
FIA 8856-2000. You should never cheap-out on
safety gear, so if Santa forgot to leave a fire suit
under your tree, Summernats will supply suits to
entrants and spectators free of charge.

AH, SUNDAY. A time to rest, relax and just take it easy

  • if you’re not at Summernats! There’s still a whole day
    of action to take in, so there’ll be none of that laying
    around stuff.
    Sunday is Grand Final day – it’s when we find out who
    won the major awards, including the PPG Supreme
    entrant, which brings in the most outstanding cars from
    all the different classes and will be judged by legendary
    painter Charley Hutton. A little later, the most coveted
    street machine award in the land – Summernats Grand
    Champion – gets announced at the burnout pad. Then
    it’s time to clear the pad and get to figuring out who are
    the best tyre fryers in the land. It will take another four
    and a half hours to get through the competitors in the
    Burnout Championship and Masters Finals. It’s where
    you’ll see the cream rise to the top and the smoke
    blanket Canberra in an epic display of horsepower,
    showmanship and car control. Don’t miss it!



07 JAN

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