Street Machine Australia — January 2018

(Romina) #1
Geoff McMahon drove his Goss coupe 18 hours from South
Australia to be at the event and was excited enough to
invite all the other Goss owners to decorate his driver’s door
with their rego numbers and home states. Geoff has owned
this survivor car for 21 years and says it’s the only Goss to
come from a dealer with black trim

EVER wondered what it would be like to drive Australia’s greatest
Falcon coupe show car around Bathurst? Chris Bitmead, owner
of 2016 SMOTY winner XBOSS (left), did just that at the Hardtop
Anniversary. “It was awesome; just to drive the car around the
track was excellent,” he said “To be honest, I enjoyed watching
the other boys drive it as much as I enjoyed driving it myself.”
Of course, being a completely custom-built car, something
had to go wrong.
“We had a battery die on us, of all things, so we weren’t able
to adjust the airbags by the end of the weekend,” Chris said.
“We thought there was an issue with the alternator, so on the
Saturday we pulled half the car apart to get the alternator out,
but couldn’t find anything wrong with it, so we put it all back
together again. That was about a five- or six-hour exercise! Apart
from that, the car went really well. I think we ended up doing
about 18 laps, which adds up to about 100km.
“When we built the car I did a string-line wheel alignment, and I
don’t think I need to change anything, it just steers beautifully.
The car seems to ride nice on the airbags and did everything it
needed to do. For a place to test out a car that you’ve
hand-built, this is awesome.
“The only sadness is that it was our last weekend going away
to events and enjoying the experience as a group. The biggest
problem now will be getting the car back off Greg Maskell!”
After 18 months in Greg’s workshop, the car will finally be
making its way back home to Perth, and you’ll be able to check
it out at Motorvation 32.

A: Both Allan Moffat and
Colin Bond were present
for signing sessions at
the show ’n’ shine on the
Sunday, as well as a Q&A
at the awards dinner later
that evening

B: The T-top: a relic of a
bygone era

C: This replica of the #2
1977 Bathurst-winning
coupe was on hand to
make sure everyone
remembered what they
were celebrating

D: Francis Banken’s
Landau has to be the best
looking of its kind. All the
way over from WA, the big
coupe looks classic and
on-trend at the same time
thanks to its classy colour
scheme, big billets and
classic black trim

E: XBOSS wasn’t the
only top-shelf show
car to make it to the
Anniversary event, with IN
ENVY coming down from
Queensland to cruise the
track and drop some jaws
at the same time


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