The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

594 Archonship of Solon
561 First rule of Peisistratus
546 Persian King Cyrus defeats Croesus of Lydia
545–510 Tyranny of the Peisistratids
Reorganization of the Panathenaea
Institution of the state Dionysia
514 Tyrannicides Harmodius and Aristogeiton kill Hipparchus
510 Expulsion of Peisistratids
508 Democratic reforms of Cleisthenes
499 Revolt of Ionian states against Persia
498 Burning of Sardis
494 Ionian revolt subdued
490–479 Persian Wars
490 Invasion of Darius Battle of Marathon
487 Ostracism first used
480 Xerxes invades Greece Battle of Salamis

Classical period

478 Delian League formed
462/1 Democratic reforms of Ephialtes and Pericles
461–429 Ascendancy of Pericles
461–456 Building of Long Walls from Athens to Piraeus
454 Treasury of Delian League moved to Athens
449 Peace of Callias between Athens and Persia
447 Pericles calls Panhellenic congress
446 Thirty Years Peace between Athens and Sparta
431–404 Peloponnesian War
430 Plague at Athens
429 Death of Pericles (b. c. 495)
421 Peace of Nicias
415–413 Sicilian expedition
411 Oligarchic revolution
410 Restoration of democracy
405 Battle of Aegospotami
404 Defeat of Athens; ascendancy of Sparta
404/3 The Thirty in Athens; restoration of democracy
399 Trial of Socrates
387/6 The King’s Peace
377 Second Athenian League


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