The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Academy 63, 115, 196, 201, 212, 216
Achaean league 87
Achilles-painter 250–6
Aeschylus 145–54, 155, 160, 168;
character in Aristophanes 166–7;
works: Oresteia97, 151–3;Persians 37,
Aetolian league 87
Agoge 53, 125
Alcaeus 141
Alcibiades 68, 69, 110, 118, 167, 193–6
Alcman 56–7
Alexander 80–4, 86, 87, 88, 110, 114,
203, 214, 253, 262–3, 270
Alexandrian age 175, 180
Anaxagoras 65
Antisthenes 210
Apelles 253–4
Aphrodite of Cnidos 258–9; of Melos
270, 271
Apollodorus 131
Apollodorus the painter 251
Apollonius of Rhodes 176, 180–1
Aquinas 214
Aratus 84, 89, 176–9
Archilochus 141
Archimedes 216–17

Areopagus 49, 50, 61, 150, 153
Aristarchus of Samos 217
Aristarchus the critic 175
Aristides 77, 173
Aristophanes 163–8, 175; Socrates on
193; Socrates, portrayal of 192; in
Symposium197; works:
Assemblywomen137, 164, 168;Birds
(The Poet and the Women)159;
Wasps 164
Aristotle 75, 80, 196, 203–9; on art 21,
219, 253; on causes 206; complex
plots 21; definition of tragedy 158;
difference from Plato 205, 209; ideal
state 205; on katharsis 158–9; the
mean 207–8; mimesis 140, 158; parts
of tragedy 20, 157; poetry and history
41, 45; style 168; tragic fall 157; unity
of action 20–1; unmoved mover 206;
works: Athenian Constitution 34, 106;
Ethics 208–10;History of Animals 204,
215;Metaphysics 187;On the Soul 205;
Physics 206, 219;Poetics 20–1, 41,
140, 155–6, 161, 163;Politics 49, 71,
127, 136, 138, 205, 208;Rhetoric 175


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