Arrian 44–5, 79, 80, 110
Asclepius 97, 108, 214
Asia Minor, Asiatic Greeks 12, 34, 56,
61, 69, 70–1, 79–80, 87, 89, 141,
Aspasia 131–2
Athens, Athenian (see also democracy)
passim: architecture 65, 237–45; art
219, 224, 237–45, 245–51; character
42; Cleisthenes’ reforms 51–2, 145;
comedy 163–8, 175; conflict with
Macedon 75–9; Delian League 59,
61, 62; Empire 61–5; fortification of
59, 63, 64; in Homer 49; ideals 30, 65,
169; oratory 168–75; ostracism 52;
Peloponnesian war 39–42, 68–70;
Persian Wars 56–71; philosophy at
189 ff.; second league 70; Solon’s
reforms 49; tragedy 145 ff.; tyrants
of 38, 50–1; unification of Attica
Attica 23, 49, 51, 59, 62, 68, 69, 108,
136, 137, 226, 244
Augustine 213
Bible 28, 90, 98
boule 50, 52, 61
Callimachus 176, 177–80
Chaeronea, battle of 76, 79, 174
Chapman, George 18–19, 33
choregos 146, 149, 163
Chrysippus 210
Cicero 91, 188, 248, 253, 258
Cimon 61
Cleanthes 210–11
Cleisthenes 51–2, 61, 145
Cleon 42, 163, 164–6
comedy 94, 159, 163–8, 175, 192, 200,
Corinth 47–8, 68, 79, 86, 87, 91, 111,
131, 222
Cowley, Abraham 143–4
Cresilas 248
Critios 230, 245
Croesus of Lydia 35, 38, 40, 56
Cynics 210
Dark Age 9–11, 14, 219,
Delian league 59, 61, 62
Delphi, Delphic oracle 25, 37, 46,
87, 99–105, 111, 114, 149, 152,
156; Socrates and 189–90,
democracy 38, 52, 61–4, 69, 76,
86, 136, 149, 165–6, 192, 205
Democritus 213
Demosthenes 75–9, 137, 169, 170,
172–4; works: Olynthiacs 76, 77,
174;On the Crown 78;Philippics 75,
deus ex machina 148
Diodorus Siculus 43
Diogenes 210
Diogenes Laertius 211, 212, 213
Dionysia, Dionysus 83, 104, 142,
145–9, 164, 166–7, 270,
Dionysius of Halicarnassus 30, 142,
169–75; on Homer 30–1; on
Isocrates 172; on Lysias 170; on
Plato 171; on Sappho 142; on the
three styles 172; on Thucydides
Dionysius of Syracuse 164
dokimasia 106–7, 196
Dorian invasion 11, 52
Doric 72, 99, 142, 239, 240, 242
Draco 49
dramatic irony 157
Dryden, John 31, 182–3