tinuities betweenWeimarand Nazi eraperformances (e.g., in theThingspiel)of
the workingclassasanimagined emotional community and the most compel-
ling argument for reconstructing the historical configurations of nationalism, so-
cialism,and populism through the shared investment in emotionallycharged
public performances of“we”(see figure 12.1 and 12.2).
Fig..Bruno Schönlank,Der gespaltene Mensch, Spiel für bewegten Sprechchor,Sprech-und
Bewegungschor derVolksbühne Berlin,.Withpermission of Archivder deutschen Ju-
gendbewegung, Witzenhausen, AdJb,FNr.Seriennr./Bildnr..
Fig...Erno Peiser,WirMasse,Sprech-undBewegungschor derVolksbühne Berlin,.
Withpermission of Archiv der deutschen Jugendbewegung,Witzenhausen, AdJb,FSeriennr.
Social Democracy and the PerformanceofCommunity 223