Design World – August 2019

(Ron) #1


The software asks

the user preliminary

questions. What sorts

of materials would

you consider for your

design? Where does

it connect with other

things as part of

an assembly? What

are the loads? What

are the pieces of


machine learning, or they say it’s related
to the neural network or to neuroscience.
Definitions vary.” The machine learning
that AI depends on is actually already
present to a certain degree in the CAD
systems that include topology optimization
and generative design capabilities. “The
primary functions of these features within
CAD is to automate the analytical steps
of design, Vlahinos says. The computer
generates designs from an engineer’s
preliminary directions.”
The key focus of AI in CAD right now is
design optimization achieved through the
creation of more intelligent designs which
are lighter, stronger and more economical.
And, in some cases, more artistic, continues
Typically, designers create their design
step by step, analyzing certain junctions to
get critical feedback about performance.
They tweak the design if it doesn’t
meet performance needs or customer
specifications. The incorporation of AI, as
it stands now, allows the designers to skip
these time-consuming steps allowing the
task to get over quickly and effectively.
Last year, for example, Autodesk released
generative design to subscribers of its

With proper validation
in place -- AI tools can
help ensure parts will meet
manufacturing specifications
and allow for quicker design
than traditional methods.
It also can create unorthodox,
sometimes never-before-
seen-shapes that can
be manufactured through
3D printing.

114 August 2019 DESIGN WORLD
DESIGN WORLD August 2019 115

Fusion 360 Ultimate product development
software. The design concept allows
engineers to define design parameters
such as material, size, weight, strength,
manufacturing methods, and cost
constraints–before they begin to design.
Then, using artificial-intelligence-based
algorithms, the software presents an array of
design options that meet the predetermined
criteria, says Ravi Akella, who headed the
product management team for Autodesk’s
generative manufacturing solutions before
moving last year to become director of
product development at Roblox. The
feature focuses on helping designers define
the problem they’re trying to solve, he says.
“The software asks the user preliminary
questions. ‘What sorts of materials would
you consider for your design? Where does
it connect with other things as part of an
assembly? What are the loads? What are the
pieces of geometry?’” Akella says.
After a short period of time, the software
then presents designers and engineers with
an array of design options that best meet
their requirements. Designers choose the
best design. Or, if none of the options meet
their needs, they can begin the generative
process again, this time offering slightly
different inputs.

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