s we ease into a new year, I just can’t help but feel excited for the holiday
season and the long summer ahead. We Australians love summer so
we’ve produced an issue that re-creates that warm summer feeling and
the sense of freedom that comes from spending time with loved ones
during this special time of year.
It’s a season when we savour the outdoors, so on page 32 in ‘Sunny
Outlook’ we round up the most sophisticated outdoor loungers and
recliners, produced by our style editor Joseph Gardner. We’ve asked Anthony Spon-Smith,
creative director of Australian furniture retailer-turned-maker Coco Republic, to give us an
exclusive look at his new outdoor range in ‘Studio Mr Smith’ (page 64), which he describes
as furniture with a “global influence” interpreted for the Australian lifestyle.
We also take you on a journey to visit the hottest summer holiday destinations around the
world — from Ftelia, the incredible Mykonos beach club designed by Italian architect
Fabrizio Casiraghi (page 44), to designers Lucy Folk and Tamsin Johnson’s Tuscan holiday
hot spots (page 145). ››
24 vogueliving.com.au
Editor’s letter