
(Greg DeLong) #1
Ultimately, Leeanne wants to move
MTAA Super away from being perceived
as a commodity, and rather position it
as a community for its members. As an
industry fund it predominantly looks
after those who work in the motor
trades and small business sectors,
however its membership is open to
anyone who would like to join.

“Superannuation is mandated for all
Australian workers, so it’s really

important that we don’t let it become
just another commodity,” she says. “At
MTAA Super we want to be part of the
community; the industry we are in has
an impact on all Australians so we want
to be involved. That’s what we are
trying to communicate more effectively
with our members. We have changed
the way we have written our
communication material and our
website to be more inclusive and
community oriented.

“We are involved with various causes
and events as well. For example, we
have been a long-term supporter of the
Mother’s Day Classic, a national fun run
and walk that raises funds for breast
cancer research. We have also
supported the suicide prevention
organisation Lifeline for over a decade.
It’s those sorts of things that can make
a difference. We want to support our
members and the community as much
as we possibly can.”

Leeanne has been the CEO of MTAA
Super since November 2011 and
prior to that she was the Deputy
CEO. She says the fund has gone
through some extremely challenging
times in the aftermath of the global
financial crisis; however, it has been
rewarding to play a role in rebuilding its
integrity and investment performance.

“We have completely revitalised so
many things,” she shares. “From a
governance perspective we are one of
very few industry funds that have the
‘third–third–third’ model — we have
three independent directors, three
member-nominated directors and
three employer-nominated directors.
We have refined our investment
strategy and that’s been a highlight,
seeing the fund through the
challenging times and coming out on
top with a whole new look. And we’ve
undertaken a complete rebrand which
has been super exciting.”

As a leader, Leeanne is passionate and
motivated. She is continuously driving

“At MTAA Super we want to be
part of the community; the
industry we are in has an impact
on all Australians so we want to
be involved.” - Leeanne Turner


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