
(Greg DeLong) #1


We challenged the status-quo —
we looked at our operations from
top to bottom, examined our
internal structure, and formed
strategic partnerships to complement
our capabilities.”

One such example is CMG’s partnership
with Holman Webb. By providing
commercial and legal insights across
industries, this company empowers
CMG to stay at the fore of its industry.

“It’s been a really dynamic year for the
company,” continues Michelle. We have
a brand new Board, a new Chairman,
and new ownership.”

Having accomplished rapid change in
such a short time, Michelle is inspired to
take things to the next level. “With
seven brands operating across five
countries, I was excited about how we
could leverage our size and collective
resources to achieve even greater
results. Last year, we worked with more
than 4,000 clients. In and of itself, that’s
huge, but the potential opportunities
that come with that are extraordinary.”

A passionate advocate of the 57-year
history of Chandler Macleod, Michelle
believes its core products and services
are the most valuable assets for the
company’s future success. “We’re a HR
product and service company,” she
explains. “Our foundation all those years
ago was organisational psychology. So,
our DNA is psychometric assessments,
and finding the best person for the job.
It’s what we call ‘BestFit’.”

By utilising the latest advances in
behavioural psychology, the BestFit
methodology is used at scale by CMG.
“We placed approximately 40,000
candidates last year.

“Every candidate we place, every
project we initiate, and every client we
interact with is an opportunity to learn.

We use our past to create a better
future — for our teams, our clients,
and our candidates.”

The diverse nature of CMG is one of the
company’s strongest points of difference.
“We’re quite different from other
operators in the staffing industry, in that
we plan, source, assess, develop and
manage workforces,” Michelle says.

“A lot of companies in this sector don’t
have the capacity to manage the
recruitment process from end-to-end. So
the breadth of what we do is a big thing.
Last year, we connected with 7 per cent
of Australia’s working population. That’s
a pretty huge number.”

Michelle and her personal philosophy
are every bit as impressive as the
company itself. Outside of work, she is
a founding director of the International
Women’s Forum in Australia — a
networking organisation helping women
to connect and grow as leaders. And her
rural upbringing has no doubt played a
part in her development. “I was raised
on a regional farming property in
Victoria,” says Michelle. “I’m the
daughter of hard-working parents; my
mum’s commitment to her family,
community and the business meant she
never worked a paid day in her life. I
believe anything is possible, and that’s
what I love so much about our business;
its capacity to unleash potential.”

“Last year, we connected with 7 per cent of Australia’s working
population. That’s a pretty huge number.” - Michelle Loader
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