
(Greg DeLong) #1
Name Sean Duca
Company Palo Alto
Position Vice President &
Regional Chief Security Officer
for Asia–Pacific
HQ California, US



the bad guys

Palo Alto Networks is informing business leaders about
the importance of cybersecurity vigilance while arming
organisations with the tools they need to tackle threats.



n the sporting field, when you block and tackle someone to the
ground they will typically get up, dust themselves off and come
back with a different manoeuvre the next time they need to force
themselves through the human blockade. The same analogy can
be applied to the cybersecurity world. The hackers and other ‘bad
guys’ are not going to give up if they can’t get through one barrier, such as legacy
security technology — they’re going to keep trying until they eventually force
their way through.

“Most people tend to think that they are safe and secure if they use antivirus
and have a firewall sitting at the front door of their organisation,” Sean Duca,
the Vice President and Regional Chief Security Officer of Palo Alto Networks
explains. “That may have worked once upon a time but unfortunately the
hackers of the world have become a lot smarter than that.

“In my role with Palo Alto Networks I spend roughly 90 per cent of my time
out talking to organisations across Asia–Pacific, to share and impart all of
the best-practice experience I have learned from what I have seen other
organisations do; what has and has not worked. We look at the situation
and think about how we can learn from what others have done and then
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