
(Greg DeLong) #1

how does Palo Alto Networks take that
and start to share and empower
business leaders to change the narrative
in organisations across the region?”

The solution comes in the form of a
series of regional guides, aimed at
empowering businesses with the
knowledge they need in a simple-to-
read format. The Australian version of
the guide, Navigating the Digital Age,
was released in September and includes
content from ten Australian thought
leaders on cyber risks and how to deal
with them.

“All of the business leaders I talk to fully
understand the financial and
operational risks to their businesses,
and cybersecurity should be no
different; it’s a huge risk,” Sean says. “We
have had great success with the book
we released with the New York Stock
Exchange, and we hope the same goes
for the Australian version. It’s all about
changing the conversation, raising the
awareness and empowering business
leaders that their approach should not
be based on the threats only, but on
how they can start to have meaning ful
conversations about all of the risks.
Hopefully the launch of the Australian
guide will really encourage business
leaders to take that extra step when it
comes to their own cybersecurity.”

As well as the Australian edition of the
guide, Palo Alto Networks will release
one specific to Singapore, one in Japan
and four in Europe; for the UK,
Germany, France and the Netherlands.

Sean states that open transparency and
the sharing of knowledge is “absolutely
imperative” if businesses are to be
successful in the digital world. “The ‘bad
guys’ talk to each other too; they share
skills, tools and capabilities. We must do
the same if we want to defeat them. If
we don’t talk to each other when one of
us is attacked then we are actually doing

a disservice to each other because the
next person is potentially going to be hit
by the exact same thing. If we get to a
point where we are openly sharing
information on what the attackers are
doing then we might be able to put a
stop to them, or at least make it harder
for them to succeed.

“Everyone at Palo Alto Networks fully
understands this mission. We have built

the technology and the capabilities to
act on it from the ground up and we are
not borrowing bits and pieces from
other organisations. As threats keep
evolving so we are constantly working
on how we can stay current and help
others. I believe we have a big role to
play helping and guiding businesses
through all of the challenges to
ultimately prevent these cyber attacks
from happening.”

“It’s all about changing the conversation, raising the awareness and
empowering business leaders.” - Sean Duca
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