
(Greg DeLong) #1



Of the three macronutrients our bodies
need — fats, carbohydrates and proteins —
it’s protein that gets the good rap. For food
companies, this presents as a marketing
opportunity and the need for protein is
promoted everywhere from nutrition-
packed bars and cereals to powdered
drinks. Thanks to marketing, protein has
become synonymous with athleticism and
good health and, according to data from the
US Department of Agriculture, many people
are in fact consuming more than they need.


It has been the commonly held belief that one of the primary reasons
for the gender pay gap is that females are gentler by nature, and
therefore don’t ask for pay rises or negotiate higher salaries when
being employed. A study examining data from the ‘Australian
Workplace Relations Survey’ finds some surprising evidence to the
contrary — women do in fact ask for more money, they just don’t get
it. The ‘Do Women Ask?’ paper written by researchers from Cass
Business School and the universities of Warwick and Wisconsin
finds that although both sexes request pay rises, men are
25 per cent more likely to get one. The good news is the study
reveals that raises are asked for and received at the same rate for
both men and women aged under 40, signalling there could be a
generational change underway.
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