
(Greg DeLong) #1


ou are on a journey; take
it all in!

I could tell you what to
nurture and what to
avoid  in what is to come
for you, but where’s the fun in
that?  Make mistakes! Laugh and
have  fun with yourself and the
awesome people around you.
You will, I’m sure of it.

You will try and go like a bullet
through life ... and that’s ok! Don’t
change. But you will get further in
life by building a network of people
around you who love and respect
you, than you will by trying to do
everything yourself. Work on this
and you’ll be amazed by what unfolds.
Also be ready and willing to walk away
from people who don’t add value.
DON’T take on their energy — it is
not worth it.

CEO and Founder of children’s craft subscription
business, Our Little Foxes, Phoebe Adams writes an
inspiring letter to her younger self.

If I can give you one piece of advice,
above all else, it is to open your eyes,
heart and mind to opportunities. Say
yes to everything that you believe in,
and then work out how to do it. The
‘how’ is easy but the ‘why’ takes work.
Be passionate in everything you do and
you’ll be a success.

Take adventures, Phoebe. Don’t slow
down when you have a family, because
they will love the adventure too.
Connect with your daughter Beatrix
and be present for her, to help this little
person grow into someone that you can
both be proud of. You are the most
important aspect of her life so take this
role seriously, but don’t lose yourself in
the process. This is your life’s work!
Help other families too, because this is
what’s important.

Do you know what the future holds for
Beatrix and her friends? Most people

don’t! Life is going to be very different
for your kids. Champion this. You hold
the power to make real change.

You have so much ahead of you!
Continue to fight for what you believe
in. There will be a cure for cancer, it
won’t bring mum back, but you can
continue to make a difference. Run,
race, fundraise, compete, try, help,
participate, nurture, mentor.

Get out there and meet new people,
pitch, experiment, go for it!

Live the best life, Phoebe. I can’t wait to
see what you create.


Dear Phoebe...


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