
(Greg DeLong) #1



The reaction of young people to Britain’s EU referendum can
teach us a lot about workplace decision-making and the
importance of getting involved, writes Christine Khor.


he fallout from this year’s
Brexit referendum provides
a fascinating insight into
human nature, which
interestingly has strong
parallels with the workplace.

To recap, swathes of young people in
Britain have been lamenting the fact
that their futures have been ruined by
the selfish older people who voted to
quit the EU, yet probably won’t live to
see the full extent of the damage they

have caused. However, it is estimated
that only 36 per cent of people in the
18–24-year-old category voted in the
referendum, meaning that around 64
per cent of them didn’t even bother
going to the polling station.

So, what relevance does this have to
the workplace?

Well, if you have employees who sit
back and complain about stuff, without
playing an active role in instigating

positive change, it’s time to get them
more involved in your decision-making
processes. In fact, the best (and
perhaps, only) way to achieve effective
and lasting change throughout your
organisation is to involve your
employees before a decision is
handed down.


When people’s opinions are invited and
genuinely valued, they will feel they’ve

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