
(Greg DeLong) #1

standard for competitors in the
industry, Luxottica has been working
hard to keep working conditions top
shelf, with a number of ongoing cultural
initiatives in place.

“Culture is everything. Culture is a part
of your brand proposition to your
customers; it flows through everything
that you do. With OPSM and Luxottica
we have a very deep and engrained
culture about caring for the customer,”
she says. “We are currently doing a very
big piece of work around our internal
culture and making sure there are
strong alliances where we want there to
be, while making sure Luxottica is a
place that people want to work at and
stay with long term. We have done
employee interviews and run
workshops for over 2,000 of our staff in
the region to understand where we are
and where we want to be, and involving
them in the creation of new programs.

Having the right culture is the only way
to deliver on our purpose.”

To have employees that love their jobs
makes a world of difference to
someone’s commitment, enthusiasm
and retention, and Anthea strives to
achieve the same passion in her team
that she experiences firsthand every
day. “I always say, ‘if you don’t like your
job then get a new one’, because you
have got to have something to get you
out of bed in the morning. I really
believe in what we do, and I love it. You
get to make a difference to people’s
lives. We save people’s sight every day,
we improve the quality of life for them.”

From providing glasses for people to
help them see better, to switching
glasses for contact lenses to allow
someone to play sports or feel more
confident, to even alerting customers to
potential health concerns such as an

eye disease or even a brain tumour,
Anthea says being able to improve
people’s quality of life through
Luxottica’s products and services is an
incredible drive for her. But for the one
in seven people across the globe that
can’t get an eye exam or afford a pair of
glasses, she works with Luxottica’s
global charity, OneSight, to provide free
eye exams and quality eyewear for
those in need.

“One Sight is another big reason I love
my job — our mission is that everyone
in the world should be able to see, and
here in Australia and New Zealand we
run clinics in remote indigenous
communities, school screenings in rural
communities, as well as at homeless
centres in big cities,” she says. “I get to
actively donate my time to something
that relates to my business by testing
eyes in a remote community, by
fundraising and providing glasses to

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