
(Greg DeLong) #1

122 national geographic traveller

For most of the year, these fascinating white mammals spend their time in the
most northern waters of the arctic ocean, far away from the presence of humans.
From mid-June to mid-September, however, when the ice on the churchill river
begins to break up, the water comes alive with thousands of beluga whales who
congregate here so the females can give birth to their young. curious, social belugas
are sometimes called sea canaries for their vocal behaviour of chirps, clicks and
trills that visitors who are lucky enough to snorkel with them will hear when they
dip their heads beneath the sea’s surface. those less keen on taking the plunge
can encounter these marvellous whales on a cruise – operators have hydrophones
to drop into the water, so the noises the creatures are making can be heard on
board – or by paddling a kayak into the river.

WhERE: churchill river, maNitoba
WhERE: JuNe to september

Beluga whales

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A pod of social beluga stewart (walrus)
whales in Churchill River.
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