Real Living Australia - June 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1


Older plant leaves may yellow and drop off as part of the

natural ageing process and this is completely normal.

However, if lots of leaves are turning yellow, including new

growth, it’s possible your plant is getting too much light. Try

moving it to a spot with indirect light and see if it improves.


This can be tricky to decipher as it can be caused by

over- and under-watering. Regularly sticking your finger in

the top layers of soil will tell you how quickly it’s drying out.

As a very general rule, when the top 5cm (2 inches) of soil

is dry you’re good to water again. Preferably, you should

water just before your plant starts to show signs of

dehydration. Trial and error is the best way to get your

watering right, so persevere until those leaves stop falling.


This can occur when a plant is subjected to long periods

of drought or low humidity. Try and water as regularly as

possible and provide extra moisture by misting the leaves.


Dry air or underwatering are the major causes here.

Another culprit is over-fertilising, where leaf burn can

present as browning tips. Always follow packet instructions

and err on the side of caution when using fertiliser. It’s

much better to over-dilute than the other way around!


This is a pretty clear sign that your plant is getting too hot,

and potentially burned by harsh sun. Tropical foliage, in

particular, is easily burnt by direct sun and needs to be

positioned away from windows where the glass magnifies

the sunlight. Afternoon sun is particularly strong and

damaging to many indoor plants.


Plants with root rot aren’t able to properly absorb moisture

and nourishment from the soil, and will present as suffering

from dehydration even though the soil is completely

saturated. With this problem, prevention is definitely better

than cure, and adequate drainage and a regular watering

schedule are the best ways to avoid root rot. If the plant

is salvageable, remove it from the soil and give the roots

a good rinse. With a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs,

remove the affected roots. You may also need to remove

up to half of the foliage. Dipping the roots in a fungicide

solution will kill off any fungus present. Make sure you wash

the affected pot well with disinfectant or diluted bleach to

avoid spreading the fungus to the freshly potted plant. A

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