Real Living Australia - June 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
Serves 2
Prep time 15 mins
Cooking time 30 mins

½ cup (100g) hulled millet*, soaked
in water overnight and drained
2 cups (500ml) water
1 cup (250ml) almond milk (or any nut milk),
plus extra to serve (optional)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp vanilla bean powder*
2 tbsp almonds
3 tsp raw honey
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tsp black sesame seeds
2 ripe figs
1 tsp raw honey

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line two
small baking trays with baking paper.

(^2) Place the millet in a medium saucepan, add
the water and milk, cinnamon and vanilla and
bring to the boil. Decrease the heat and gently
simmer over low heat, stirring frequently for 20–25
minutes, until the millet is tender, with a slight bite
remaining and most of the liquid has been
absorbed, to make a creamy porridge consistency.
(^3) Meanwhile, to prepare the almond and seed
toffee, scatter the almonds on one of the prepared
trays. Drizzle with 2 teaspoons of the honey and
bake for 5 minutes. Scatter the pumpkin, sunflower
and sesame seeds over the almonds, drizzle with
the remaining honey and bake for a further
5 minutes, or until the almonds and seeds are
golden and the honey is caramelised. Set aside
to cool, until the honey toffee hardens. Break into
shards or coarsely chop.
(^4) To prepare the honey-roasted figs, tear the figs
in half from the stem to the base. Place, torn side
up, on the remaining tray and drizzle with honey.
Bake for 15 minutes, or until softened and juicy.
(^5) Serve the porridge hot, topped with warm
honey-roasted figs and shards of almond and
seed toffee. Serve with additional milk, if desired. A

  • From healthfood stores and specialty grocers.
    Creamy millet porridge
    with honey-roasted figs and
    almond and seed toffee
    This recipe is pure comfort food: both for
    our senses and also for the good bacteria
    in our gut, as both millet and figs act as
    prebiotics – food for our healthy bugs.
    Serves 2
    Prep time 15 mins
    Cooking time 25 mins
    ½ cup (100g) black
    glutinous rice, soaked
    in cold water overnight
    1½ cups (375ml) water
    cup (160ml)
    coconut cream
    Large pinch of Himalayan salt
    1½ tbsp maple syrup
    1 ripe mango, cut into cubes
    6 strawberries, sliced
    (^1) Drain and rinse the rice.
    (^2) Place the rice and water
    in a medium saucepan and
    bring to the boil. Decrease
    the heat to the lowest
    possible temperature. Gently
    simmer for 20 minutes, or
    until the rice is tender and all
    the water has been absorbed.
    Remove from the heat, cover
    and set aside for 10 minutes,
    to finish cooking.
    (^3) Meanwhile, gently
    simmer the coconut cream
    and salt together for 2–3
    minutes, until thickened
    slightly. Set aside.
    (^4) Once the rice is cooked,
    add the maple syrup and
    stir to combine. Set aside
    to cool slightly.
    (^5) Serve sticky rice warm
    or at room temperature,
    drizzled with the salted
    coconut cream and topped
    with fresh mango and
    Sticky black rice with mango,
    strawberries and coconut cream
    This lovely dish (pictured left) is made with black rice, the only rice that contains
    anti-inflammatory anthocyanins, and mango, which is rich in digestive enzymes.
    real living

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