Real Living Australia - June 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

WINDOW SEATS The eco theme extends to the furniture selection – Andrew and Kinara are bowerbirds when it comes to hunting out pre-loved items and
repurposing them. They sanded back the sofa from Freedom (left), limewashed it and had it reupholstered. Retro tables came from Village Antiques, the Mk2
convection wood heater is from Nectre, and the old wooden create used as a side table was found at Margate Train Antiques. “We have a few of these crates
throughout the house,” Kinara says. “I really like the look of rough old timber.” SHELF INTEREST Shelves in the kitchen display a Marimekko jug and bowls
along with ceramics and other pre-loved finds snatched up from op shops and garage sales. A

real living



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