Australian Birdkeeper – June-July 2018

(Frankie) #1

Fledging is at about 12 weeks,
but often the chicks return
to the nest box during the
day and sleep in the box with
their parents for another 2–3
weeks thereafter. We’ve found
them to be a little erratic after
leaving the nest box while
learning to fl y, but not nearly
as bad as some other species.
After about four weeks they
are quite steady on the wing,
while perching, and spend a
lot of time investigating their
environment. During this time,
they are also learning how
to feed themselves and the
social side of family life, which
includes preening and cleaning. As with most birds, the odd one
tends to take a liking to over-preening and chewing their feathers,
so it’s important to keep branches and wood in the aviary,

Illiger’s Macaw—an endearing
and intriguing species

p p y,




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especially at this time, to ensure no bad habits are initiated.
Food is a necessity for life and it is this that assists the chicks in
calming to our human presence. Unlike many other species, they
soon learn that our presence in the mornings means food and it’s
not very long at all before they are down at the feed station with
their parents waiting for food. While feeding, we talk to the birds
as well, and this helps with the process of education to the extent
that they often talk back in their own way, while dilating their
eyes as the parents do.
It’s probably best to remove the chicks from their parents
at about eight weeks, as they should be weaned and capable
of caring for themselves by then, and mum and dad will need
some time to themselves to recuperate and rebuild their bond in
readiness for the next breeding season.

While there are still not many Illiger’s Macaws readily available,
and they are usually not genuine unrelated pairs, they are a
species that we feel demands more attention from the dedicated
aviculturist. They are not loud, so you should be able to keep
them in suburbia. They are not annoying because they don’t get
‘in your face’, and they are certainly not boring.
So, we hear you ask, why intriguing? Well we really can’t put our
fi nger on it; there is just
something about them
that is endearing, cute
and timid (but in an
extroverted way).
We just like them. To
us, they are without
a doubt the ultimate
mini macaw.

A Guide to
Macaws as Pet &
Aviary Birds

A Complete Pet
Owner’s Manual

Available from ABK or
Email [email protected] or Phone 07 5568 0011

Graham and
Glenys Matthews
have their birds
and aviaries for
sale—see inside
front cover.

Free download pdf