Australian Birdkeeper – June-July 2018

(Frankie) #1

ABK and other sponsors and speakers were presented with this
beautiful handmade award of appreciation by PSONZ president
Some of the attendees from Australia Mary-Lee Sloan and Master of Ceremonies Mark Davies

care and health of their focus species.
They revealed the dietary benefi ts from
plant-based raw diets and teas, containing
essential fatty acids, proteins and nutrients
that health-conscious humans consume.
No more ‘Macas’ for anyone here! There
was a trend developing that indicated
these breeders spent time researching
and sourcing the best quality ‘human-type’
health foods that made the audience sit up
and take note. Great results were touted
and it all made perfect sense.
Other speakers, including Rachel Riley
(now back in Kiwi-land awaiting the birth
of her fi rst child), experienced Goldie’s
Lorikeet breeder Gavin White, and Dr

Recently we began a new feature in
which a selected image from a reader is
presented in Australian BirdKeeper and
on the BirdKeeper Facebook Page. All you
have to do for your chance to have your
picture published is submit your best photo
in high resolution with your name, mobile
and email, as well as details of the species
photographed and where the photo was
taken. It’s that simple.
The winning photographer will receive a
voucher valued at $25 to use towards the
purchase of any A Guide to ... series book
or a subscription to BirdKeeper.
The chosen Shutterbug this issue
is Adam FitzGerald, of Canberra. Adam
is a keen birdwatcher and breeder of
specialist species. The selected image
is of a White-browed
Scrubwren Sericornis
frontalis at On the Perch
Bird Park at Tathra, New
South Wales.
It’s been wonderful
to see your photos,
so keep them coming
to birdkeeper@

Stacey Gelis presented on the importance of
healthy diets, good management and health.
Dinner on Saturday was enthralling. Dr
Andrew Digby had us all totally engaged
with his amazing insights into the Kakapo
Recovery Program. It was fascinating as
the team are learning so much every day in
their fi ght to save this species.
I have few more words except—
brilliant! They did it again—the PSONZ
crew just know how to do things, from
quality speaker selection, and therefore
information, to quality hospitality, venue,
super-quality food, to quality people—can I
say more? Just the best!
And thank you, as a sponsor, to all those



who attended and travelled long distances
from the USA, Europe, India and Australia,
and of course New Zealand—the speakers
and guests became the family that it was.
Sincere appreciation and thanks to Mary-
Lee (always in the wings), Mark Davies
(the cool, calm and collected Master of
Ceremonies), and supporting members of
the New Zealand Parrot Society!
One fi nal note—my only disappointment
was the lack of New Zealand delegates
and therefore support—where were you?
The PSONZ is a great group of like-minded
people who share and educate—so give
them the backing they deserve and see you
next time!
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