Diabetic Living Australia - July-August 2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Get checked:

Visit your

doctor for a

yearly blood

test to check



2 Kidneys
Because uncontrolled
blood sugars break down
the smallest blood vessels
in the body, the kidneys
are particularly at risk

  • their tiny vessels do a lot
    of heavy lifting to eliminate
    toxic waste from your
    body. Keeping blood
    glucose under control
    prevents kidney disease.

Diabetes can damage blood vessels
and lead to heart attack or stroke.
To protect your ticker, ensure that you get your
daily servings of fruits and vegies, whole grains,
and healthy fats from nuts, olive oil, and fish.
Lose weight if you need to and raise your heart
rate with exercise for at least 150 minutes per
week, with activities such as walking or swimming.
If necessary, your doc might put you on blood
pressure and lipid-improving meds.


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