
(Sean Pound) #1
2018 iSSUe 01 121

the rocky coastlines and windswept headlands
of north america’s easternmost point are an ideal
breeding ground for the charming and delightful
atlantic puffin, the provincial bird of the island
of newfoundland. During the winter months, the
puffin travels out to sea, returning to dry land during
spring and summer to form breeding colonies along
the shoreline cliff tops. During the breeding season,
the puffin’s beak colour will change to display bright
red, orange and yellow colours, which are used in
courtship displays. with a lifespan of up to 30 years,
these birds mate for life, returning to the same nest
year after year to breed. witless Bay ecological reserve,
which encompasses four islands off the east coast of
newfoundland, has the largest colony of puffins in
north america, and visitors can view them by boat as
they take a run-up before becoming airborne.


WhERE: st JohN’s, NeWfouNdlaNd
WhERE: JuNe to september

The puffin (left) is the official provincial bird of newfoundland;
winter in Churchill sees polar bears return from the tundra
(below); the rare spirit bear (opposite).




sHutterstoCK (sPirit

Bear); Courtesy Hello BC Polar

Bear); Dennis minty (Puffins)

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