
(Sean Pound) #1



othing tastes quite as sweet as a frozen daiquiri
during the midday heat at New Orleans Jazz
Fest. Between the parades and music spread
across a whole bunch of stages, it can be easy
to forget that there’s a whole other side to the weekend –
great NOLA food and drink to keep you dancing throughout
the day. “Do I need to see your ID?” one of the bartenders
asks me, as she’s pouring a drink. I flick up my sunglasses.
“You’re good,” she says and laughs, taking in the creases
around my eyes. I still give her a tip.
If you’re into fun and newly formed friendships, there’s
nowhere like the American South. On a two-week road trip
a couple of years ago, we met historians in Birmingham,
Iraq vets in Mobile Bay, set designers in Nashville and
bartenders – lots of bartenders – just about everywhere.
We stayed in old-school motels, rocked out at music festivals
and ate a lot of barbecue. It was the perfect trip, and if real
life hadn’t been calling, we still may have been there. (Such
is my devotion to the South, I visited a collector of Elvis
memorabilia in South Australia on my return. The photo
is of me sitting in his replica of the King’s gold Cadillac.)
Memories came flooding back as I wrote the feature, ‘The
Call of the South’. As they did when I was reading David
McGonigal’s ‘Natural Selection’ about his visit to Kenya’s
Maasai Mara. We talk about Australia having big skies, but
the Mara’s endless blue more than rivals it. Spending time
in East Africa is a privilege and it’s a place you could return
to time and again. I’m not sure you’d ever become blasé
about seeing a leopard tearing apart its kill high in a tree
or watching a rhinoceros and her calf grazing on the plains.
In this issue, we’ve got more creatures in Canada’s
wilderness, as well as stories about Oaxaca, Salvador and
travelling through the foothills of Nepal. Big city or remote
wilderness? Whatever you’re preference, if you’re anything
like us, you’re constantly planning your next adventure.

Editor’s lEttEr

Editor Carrie Hutchinson
CrEativE dirECtor Luke Fraser
art dirECtor Beck Haskins
dEsign Karl Mautner
ProduCtion Ivan Valachovic
Publishing dirECtor Neil Rodgers
ProduCtion ManagEr Marissa Parkin
advErtising salEs Justin Jamieson
[email protected]
Editor in ChiEF George W. Stone
dEsign dirECtor Hannah Tak
dirECtor oF PhotograPhY Anne Farrar
Editorial ProJECts dirECtor Andrew Nelson
sEnior Editor Amy Alipio
assoCiatE Editor Brooke Sabin
dEPutY art dirECtor Leigh V. Borghesani
rEsEarCh Editor Alexandra E. Petrie
CoPYdEsk Amy Kolczak, Preeti Aroon, Cindy Leitner, Mary Beth Oelkers-Keegan
Editors at largE and travEl advisorY board
Costas Christ, Annie Fitzsimmons, Don George,
Andrew McCarthy, Norie Quintos, Robert Reid
Contributing Editors Karen Carmichael, Heather Greenwood Davis,
Maryellen Kennedy Duckett, P. F. Kluge, Margaret Loftus, Carrie Miller,
Eric Rosen, Jerry Sealy, Jayne Wise
Contributing Photo Editors Kaya Berne, Hope Brimelow, Nicole Crowder, Julie Hau
Contributing PhotograPhErs Aaron Huey, Michael Melford,
Jim Richardson, Krista Rossow, Susan Seubert
Contributing rEsEarChErs Cait Etherton, Melissa Malamut,
Meg Miner Murray, Meg Roosevelt
viCE PrEsidEnt Heather Wyatt
[email protected]; 212-822-
dirECtor Meg Calnan
[email protected]; 202-912-
PublishEr & viCE PrEsidEnt, global MEdia Kimberly Connaghan
sEnior viCE PrEsidEnt, global MEdia and EXPEriEnCEs Yulia P. Boyle
sEnior ManagEr, intErnational Publishing Rossana Stella
Editorial dirECtor, intErnational Editions Amy Kolczak
Editorial sPECialist, intErnational Editions Leigh Mitnick
intEriM PrEsidEnt and CEo Micahel L. Ulica
board oF trustEEs ChairMan Jean M. Case
viCE ChairMan Tracy R. Wolstencroft
EXPlorErs-in-rEsidEnCE Sylvia Earle, Enric Sala
EXPlorErs-at-largE Robert Ballard, Lee R. Berger, James Cameron, J. Michael Fay,
Beverly Joubert, Dereck Joubert, Louise Leakey, Meave Leakey
CEo Gary E. Knell
Editorial dirECtor Susan Goldberg
ChiEF FinanCial oFFiCEr Marcela Martin
global CoMMuniCations Laura Nichols
ChiEF MarkEting oFFiCEr Jill Cress
ConsuMEr ProduCts and EXPEriEnCEs Rosa Zeegers
digital ProduCt Rachel Webber
global nEtWorks CEo Courteney Monroe
lEgal and businEss aFFairs Jeff Schneider
salEs and PartnErshiPs Brendan Ripp
National Geographic Traveler is published by National Geographic Partners, LLC.
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