June• 2018 | 21
to new research. Are you at risk? BY ELISA ROLAND
Bad Habits
hat Can Age
You r Face
THE OLDER WE GET,the more we
obsess over looking younger. Genes
are the main indicator of how well
(or poorly) you’ll age, but if you tend
to indulge in two less-than-healthy
habits – heavy drinking and smoking
- your face will age much faster,
according to a study in theJournal of
Epidemiology & Community Health.
Danish researchers tapped data
from the Copenhagen City Heart
Study to track visible signs of ageing
in 11,500 adults for 11.5 years. Study
participants were queried about how
much they drank and smoked as part
of a general review of their lifestyle
habits. Researchers also examined
their ears, eyes and hairlines.
he results revealed that, yes, hard
living equals fast ageing. Women
who downed 28 or more drinks a
week were 33 per cent more likely to
develop discolouration in the eyes
linked to ageing, compared to women
who had fewer than seven drinks a
week. For men, the risk jumped to 35
per cent when they had 35 or more
drinks a week. Smoking a pack of
cigarettes a day for more than 15 years
raised the odds that a woman’s eyes
would betray signs of ageing by 41 per
cent, compared to a non-smoker; the
risk was 12 per cent for male smokers.
“his is the irst prospective study
to show that alcohol and smoking
are associated with the development
of visible age-related signs and thus
generally looking older than one’s
actual age,” the researchers told
Science Daily. “his may relect that
heavy drinking and smoking increases
general ageing of the body.”
Light to moderate drinkers didn’t
have any greater visible ageing signs
than non-drinkers, so drinking in
moderation gets a pass.