Reader\'s Digest Australia & New Zealand - June 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1
June• 2018 | 29


His 1956 tour of the Commonwealth
wasn’t a junket, but it did mean he
avoided testifying at the divorce hear-
ing of his friend, Mike Parker. he tour
was a complex diplomatic undertak-
ing and was well received. When he
was named Prince in 1957, the oicial
reason was to thank him for his work
with the Commonwealth.
The Prince’s most famous actual
law – his old-school racism – is barely
touched on in the script. he incidents
of snubbing Kenyan chieftains never
happened and represent unlikely
breaches of protocol.
here are, of course, a few moments
that capture the kindness Philip is
known for among family and friends.
When John F. Kennedy muffs his
entire meeting with the Queen, Philip
steps in and puts him at ease, a job
he carried out for thousands of peo-
ple for more than 60 years as the self-
described “world’s most experienced
plaque unveiler”.



he first episode of the series
opens with Princess Elizabeth
and Philip’s 1947 wedding. It’s
here that Queen Mary and the Queen
Mother (then Queen) peer over at Phil-
ip’s mother, Alice, Princess Andrew of
Greece and Denmark: “Look at the
mother, just out of a sanatorium,” says
the Queen Mother. “And dressed as a
nun,” sighs Queen Mary. “A Hun nun,”
replies the Queen Mother.

returned to in season two. Before her
in ield hospitals during the Balkan
Wars, was exiled during World War I,
Andrew, and five children in 1922,
and endured her husband’s philan-
dering during their exile in Paris.
Many commentators suggest her
ient for her husband.
he Greek monarchy was restored
in 1935, and Alice returned to Athens.
During World War II, far from being
‘a Hun’, she hid a Jewish family on
the top loor of her house in Athens,
near the Gestapo headquarters; an act
for which she was honoured by the
Israeli government.

Andrew of Greece and Denmark


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