Your Dog — November 2017

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Dog Answers




50 Your Dog November 2017 TELL US YOUR PROBLEMS. EMAIL [email protected] — FACEBOOK WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/YOUR DO


Dog Answers


Roberta Baxter MA,
qualifi ed from
Cambridge University
Vet School in 1993.



My 10-year-old Golden Retriever
has had quite a powerful,
distinctive, and unattractive smell
for a year or two now — it even puts off
fussy family from visiting!
William loves to roll in clean grass, swims
most weeks in fresh water, and has no
problems with his skin, teeth, or anal glands.
I bathe him no more than once a month,
brush him daily, and his food is exclusively
for dogs with sensitive digestive systems,
apart from the odd dog chew.
What should I do?
Jill Keith, email address.
Roberta says: Smelly skin is usually
associated with a bacterial/yeast
imbalance, called a dysbiosis, on
the skin surface, and may be helped by
feeding an omega 3
essential fatty acid (EFA)
supplement which
helps the skin barrier
to stay healthy.

Washing a dog too
often can actually
make him smell worse.

Help with



My two-year-old cross-breed
bitch has been diagnosed with
severe allergies. She is allergic
to beef, corn, potato, milk, and various
types of grass and trees. We give her
Apoquel and obviously check every
item of food that she eats, but is there
anything else we can do?
Julie Greenway, email address.


Roberta says: Allergies can be
really diffi cult to treat. In addition
to avoiding known environmental
allergens, and feeding a low-allergy diet
(avoiding known allergens), anti-histamines
can be helpful, and essential fatty acid
supplements can help to maintain skin
health and the skin barrier, which helps
prevent allergic reactions.
Anti-infl ammatories such as Apoquel
can be helpful, as can hyposensitisation
treatment, which involves preparing
a vaccine for the animal to gradually
increase that animal’s tolerance. I’d advise
you go back to your vet to discuss this.

His smell is

so off-putting!

Bathing more than once a month is not
usually helpful, as it can contribute to stripping
natural, protective oils from the coat, which
can make the skin smell worse. However, in
certain conditions, more frequent bathing
is advisable.
In my opinion, one of the most effective
things you can do is change his diet; lots of
people fi nd that their dogs smell better if they
go for a low-allergy food. A variety of good
foods are available, while there are specifi c
low-allergy foods aimed at helping skin issues,
such as Eukanuba Dermatosis FP. Some
owners also feel their dogs’ skin is better when
fed on a raw food diet.
I’d suggest changing your dog’s food and
putting him on an EFA supplement. If things
don’t improve, it may be
worth getting him checked
out by your vet to ensure
he has no underlying
parasites, allergies, or
An omega 3 supplement hormonal conditions.
can help skin stay healthy.

Holly Mash BVSc,
MRCVS, specialises
in herbal medicine,
and nutrition.

50-53 DA Ant+CS SWCC.indd 50 22/09/2017 12:44

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