Australian Sky & Telescope - May 2018

(Romina) #1 17

expand away from each other as the
balloon inflates. Likewise, the universe
itself — the very fabric of space — is
expanding. As the universe expands,
of the expanding space) all move away
from one another. There’s no true
‘centre’ for the universe, just as there’s
no stationary point on the surface of
the balloon.

How big is the universe? Based on
the history of its expansion and its age,
we think the observable universe is
93 billion light-years across, or 6,
Sun and Earth. But our observations of
the residual radiation from the Big Bang
indicate that the universe is only 13.
parts of the cosmos whose light should
take longer to reach us than the actual

Local Group

Sextans A

Sextans Dwarf

Large Magellanic Cloud
Small Magellanic Cloud
Carina Dwarf
Sculptor Dwarf
Fornax Dwarf

IC 10



NGC 185 NGC 147

Boötes Dwarf

Leo A

Leo I
Leo II

Ursa Major I

Andromeda I

Phoenix Dwarf


IC 1613

Pisces Dwarf
Aquarius Dwarf

Pegasus Dwarf
Cetus Dwarf
Tucana Dwarf

Andromeda II
Andromeda III


Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

NGC 6822

Ursa Major II

Milky Way Galaxy

Ursa Minor Dwarf
Draco Dwarf

Sagittarius dSph

Canes Venatici Dwarf

NGC 3109
Antlia Dwarf

Sextans B

Sagittarius DIG

HOW TO FIND US The Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy dominate the Local Group, shown
here with its brightest members. At least 54 galaxies belong to the Local Group, which stretches
across 10 million light-years. Our galaxy and Andromeda, both of which are large enough to
sport their own satellite galaxies, combine to contain the large majority of the Local Group’s total
stellar mass. The Local Group is part of the larger Virgo Supercluster, which in turn is a small
part of the Laniakea Supercluster that spans some 510 million light-years and includes some
100,000 galaxies.

nothing in the universe can travel faster
than the speed of light, this prohibition
actually only applies to objects within
the universe, not the universe itself.
Based on the incredible homogeneity
and uniform pattern of cosmic
structure, astronomers think that the
fabric of space itself exceeded that limit
during a brief moment right after the
Big Bang, called inflation.
Try explaining that one at a late-
night star party.

■ DAVID DICKINSON is a freelance
science writer, high-school science
teacher, science iction author, retired
enlisted air force veteran, and avid
stargazer. He shares the universe and
more on his website and
@astroguyz on Twitter.
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