Australian Sky & Telescope - May 2018

(Romina) #1



the Big Bang abundance.
level in star-making galaxies so pristine their chemical
composition almost reflects that of the early universe. “It’s
helium abundance,” he says. In these galaxies, new stars emit

Star-Forming Galaxies with
the Lowest Oxygen Levels

Galaxy Constellation Oxygen Abundance
(hydrogen = 12)*

Approx. Distance
J0811+4730 Lynx 6.98 620 million
Leoncino Leo Minor 7.02 40 million?
SBS 0335-052W Eridanus 7.13 190 million
Little Cub Ursa Major 7.13 60 million?
I Zwicky 18 Ursa Major 7.17 60 million
Leo P Leo 7.17 5 million
DDO 68 Leo 7.20 40 million
*Oxygen abundances are generally the average of the values for multiple regions within a single
galaxy. Question marks indicate a notably high uncertainty in distance.

ultraviolet light that strips electrons from helium atoms in
the interstellar gas; electrons that rejoin the helium atoms
create spectral lines revealing the element’s abundance. In
contrast, the many dim dwarf galaxies that orbit the Milky
Way, some of which have still less oxygen, provide no such
information because they lack both gas and hot young stars.
Past measurements of I Zwicky 18 and its kin have found
that helium made up a quarter of the chemical elements
emerging from the Big Bang, but different astronomers derive
slightly different numbers. In 2014, Izotov and Thuan’s team
obtained a primordial helium abundance of 25.5%, which
is so high it suggests the number of neutrino types is more
likely to be four than three. But Skillman’s team favors a
lower primordial helium level, around 24.5%, which implies
three neutrino flavours, in accordance with standard physics.
Now, having spotted three new oxygen-poor star makers
in just the past three years, astronomers have three more
chances to derive the primordial helium abundance. If
that number comes in on the high side, physicists should
be seeking a fourth type of neutrino. Thus these odd little
galaxies might tell us not only what the first galaxies looked
like but also how many flavours of ‘little neutral particles’
there are zipping through the cosmos.

„ KEN CROSWELL earned his PhD for studying a decidedly
oxygen-rich galaxy, the Milky Way. His book about our galaxy,
The Alchemy of the Heavens, was a Los Angeles Times Book
Prize inalist. He has also written for National Geographic,
New Scientist and Scientific American.

SONE MORE FOR LEO The dwarf galaxy DDO 68 (also known as UGC 5340) is a ragged collection of stars and gas clouds. At 40 million light-
years away, it’s one of the closer oxygen-poor star-forming galaxies. This image combines visible and infrared observations.

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