Australian Sky & Telescope - May 2018

(Romina) #1


NIGHT LIFE by AuthorName

Astronomy tourism

is looking up

A new astronomy centre will help share the wonder of the night sky.


ew Zealand is to get a new,
NZ$10 million, 1,300-square-
metre Astronomy Centre,
near Takapo ̄ /Lake Tekapo on the
South Island. A joint venture between
the highly successful Earth & Sky
astronomy tourism operation and Nga ̄ i
Tahu Tourism, the Centre will house a
restored, 125-year-old, 46-cm telescope
(known as the Brashear Telescope), plus
interactive displays, a restaurant, bar
and retail outlet.
At a traditional blessing ceremony
near the site in March, Nga ̄ i Tahu
Tourism chief executive Quinton Hall
said “We want our visitors to walk away
in awe of the universe, enthralled about
scientific discoveries and astonished by
the seamless connection between science
and our local Nga ̄ i Tahu traditions”.
“The nature of this facility, with its
working telescopes and the exciting

scientific research being undertaken
by the University of Canterbury and
Nagoya University, combined with the
depth of Nga ̄ i Tahu star lore traditions
means the proposed experience offers a
really unique educational opportunity
for all visitors,” he added.
Earth & Sky was established in 2004
by Graeme Murray and Hide Ozawa,
and conducts astronomy tours at nearby
Mt John Observatory. The Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment
has provided NZ$3m for the Centre,
with the other NZ$7m to be contributed
by the joint venture.
“The dome will clearly identify the
building and highlight the importance
of dark sky reserve tourism to the
town,” said Murray. “It’s a clear visual
signal that Takapo ̄ is one of the premier
locations on the planet to view the
night sky.”

RASNZ Conference
May 4–6
New Zealand’s annual astro gathering,
this year to be held in Dunedin.

South Pacific Star Party
May 10–13
Annual star party of the Astronomical
Society of NSW.

Asteroid Day
June 30
A global day of education to help protect
Earth from asteroids.

Star Stuff II
July 7–8
A weekend of astronomy fun on NSW’s
north coast.

National Science Week
August 11–19
Lots of astro events around the nation.
Keep visiting the website for the latest

Public viewing nights
August 17–18
Presented by the Sutherland Astronomical
Society at its Green Point Observatory in
Sydney’s southern suburbs.

Siding Spring StarFest
September 28–30
Public lectures, telescope tours and family
activities at Coonabarabran, NSW.

International Observe the
Moon Night
October 28
An annual worldwide event that
encourages observation and
understanding of our Moon.

VicSouth 2018
November 2–6
Annual week of astronomy under very
dark rural Victorian skies.

Do you have an event or activity coming up?
Email us at [email protected]

Artist’s impressions of the new NZ$10m
Astronomy Centre for Lake Tekapo.
Free download pdf