Your Cat — November 2017

(coco) #1 41



For the past two years our two
cats have been indoor cats.
However, we recently moved
and they now love going outside. One
of them has now started hissing and
attacking the other, and I’m not sure
why. He just changed overnight after
about two months of going out with no
problems. Do you have any advice?
Candice Warner, via email.


It may be that this is redirected
aggression — for example, if your
cat was frightened by
a neighbouring moggy and turned on
his companion — just like having a bad
day at work, and then taking out your
anger on your partner. Or perhaps
the unaccustomed stress of the big
outdoors tipped a poor relationship into
a bad one. Another possibility is that
one cat is suffering from illness or pain
leading to irritability, so check this too.
You can’t make them be friends, as
cats don’t kiss and make up like humans
do, but you can help them avoid each

other as much as possible so that they
can live in harmony. Give them separate
feeding locations, sleeping places and
water bowls, and at least three litter
trays in different locations (even if they
are sometimes toileting outside).
If they compete for your attention,
timeshare yourself. For instance, have
one in your bedroom at night and let the
other spend the evening with you. Instal
a pheromone product, such as Feliway
Friends, where both cats spend most of
their time. A pet behaviour counsellor
will help you uncover what is going on
better than any advice at a distance. —



My six-year-old female spayed
moggy is struggling to deal
with my five-month-old male
neutered mini lop rabbit. Bunny will soon
be introduced to a spayed female mate,
which should help to make him happier,
and hopefully less inclined to chase
the cat, feel jealous of her, or irritate
her when she’s trying to eat. In the
meantime, what else can I do?
Jennifer Carroll, via Facebook.


I am sorry to hear of your
problems. Introducing the rabbit
to a carefully selected mate
should help, but I also advise offering
him as many environmental enrichment
opportunities as possible. For example,
provide him with a ‘digging box’
containing straw; branches for gnawing;
paper bags containing special treats, and
so on. Adding these simple measures to

your rabbit’s environment should give
him another focus to engage his time,
rather than terrorising your little cat.
Provide plenty of high-up resting
areas so that she can escape the rabbit’s
unwanted advances and feel safe and
secure. In addition, your rabbit won’t be
able to reach her.
You say the rabbit irritates her when
she is trying to eat, so consider the
location of your cat’s
feeding station, and
move it out of reach
of the rabbit. You
could feed your
cat on a high-up
surface to allow
her to eat in peace,
and to provide her
with some respite
from the unwelcome
bunny advances. —

Why have they

started fighting?


Bunny battles
new animals
whatever the


Herbal help

for itchy skin


Our cat, Blue, is very old
(18) and suffers from very
itchy skin. Is there a herbal
treatment that might help, as we
want to avoid drugs?
Your Cat reader, via email.


That’s a great age! You can try
adding some chickweed and
calendula to his food, as these
herbs can have a natural cleansing
and anti-inflammatory action.
Always check with your
vet before adding
herbs to your
cat’s food, as
they will know
whether it is safe for
your individual cat, given
his current health and
medical history. You can
also regularly add some
omega 3 fatty acids, such
as oily fish, to your cat’s diet
to help improve his coat and
reduce itching. —

The outside
world can cause
additional stress.


stance, have
ight and let the
with you. Instal
ch as Feliway
spend most of
ur counsellor
t is going on
a distance. —

herbs can have a nat
and anti-inflam
your individu
medical h
also regul
omega 3 fa
as oily fish, to
to help impro
reduce itching

Calendula has a natural
cleansing action.

Top tip!
If you have more
than one pet, make
sure that they all
have their
own space.

40-45 YC Cat Care CS(am)SW.indd 41 29/09/2017 12:16

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