Your Cat — November 2017

(coco) #1


You should be able to tell
when your female kitten
approaches puberty, as she
may call loudly and be more
restless and affectionate.

Siblings will
not mate
Unfortunately, in the
animal world, there
aren’t any social boundaries
to prevent family members
from mating with one another.
If you buy or adopt two
different-sex kittens from the
same litter, they will almost
certainly mate, and the female
will become pregnant at some
point if they are not neutered.
Inbreeding increases the
chances of a kitten being
born with genetic defects
and diseases, so it’s really
important that you’re
a responsible owner and
don’t let this happen.

Kittens are
low maintenance
Although it can be
argued that a kitten
isn’t as demanding as
a puppy, don’t take on
a kitten thinking it will be
a breeze! Bringing your new
pet home will require a lot of
planning and preparation.
You’ll need to kitten-proof
your home; equip him with all
the essentials, including a bed,
bowls, grooming equipment,
toys, litter tray, and food;
keep a constant eye on his
whereabouts; train him to
use the litter tray; possibly
introduce him to other pets;
make sure he has regular
handling; and so much more
to ensure he grows up to be
a happy and sociable kitty. 75











A kitten is not an easy option
— he’ll need lots of mental and
physical stimulation.

After weaning, milk can
cause stomach upsets.

A new kitten will
be great company
for an existing cat
Although sometimes
this can be the case,
introducing a new kitten into
the fold isn’t always of benefit
to an existing cat, especially
if he is elderly and enjoys the
quieter life.
Clinical animal behaviourist
Trudi Atkinson explains:
“Being descended from
a species that lived a primarily
solitary existence, cats do not
need the company of other
cats to be happy.
“However, the domestic cat
does have the capability to
be social with members of its
own species, and close social
bonds between cats who live
together are not uncommon.
“Such relationships are far
more likely to exist between
cats who have grown

up together, and less likely
to develop between cats
introduced as adults,” she
adds. “For anyone who wants
to have more than one cat, it’s
often best to buy two kittens
of the same age, preferably
from the same litter, and allow
them to grow up together.”

An indoor kitten
won’t need to
be microchipped
Kittens are at their
most inquisitive when
they’re young, so are much
more likely to sneak through
gaps and be curious about
gaining access to the outside
world. Even the most vigilant
of owners may be caught
off-guard if they open the
door to a visitor and the kitten
slips between their legs.
Although it’s not a legal

requirement for cats to be
microchipped, having it done
when they’re young will give
you peace of mind that if he
ever goes missing, he’s more
likely to be reunited with you.

You can’t
train kittens
Not only is it possible
to train kittens, it’s
strongly advised! Although
most kittens learn to use the
litter tray by watching their
mothers, some can still soil in
the house when they arrive
home. If you lift him into the
tray early in the morning and
in the evening when you think
he wants to go, and praise
him each time he uses the
tray by giving him a gentle
stroke and a treat, he should
soon associate the tray with
positive rewards.
Similarly, you can train
kittens to come to you
when called, accept
medication, accept a cat
carrier, be more sociable,
and much more! For more
information about how
you can train your
kitten, visit http://www.

74-75 YC Kitten myths CS2 CC.indd 75 27/09/2017 11:53

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